Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Found the RAZ-iR on

While searching for new night vision products, I ran across and the new RAZ-iR product, billed as "infrared cameras for PM, PDM, PPM, and Infrared FLIR Vision".

At first glance the site appears to be nothing more than a link farm for catching traffic related to thermal infrared cameras -- the site includes limited information on a number of products, but no amount of clicking around actually leads to pricing information.

Clicking through leads to x20, x26, and 7b, eventually taking me to ir55, with similar link farming but also some good FLIR images, and thence to imaging1, with a contact form to ask Jim Santana of Sierra Pacific Innovations (SPi) for more information on the RAZ-iR and other products. I also found RAZ-IR specifications and a user guide.

List price on the RAZ-iR SX is $6,900, official street pricing is $5,900.

Turns out the imager is made in China, otherwise known as the Wuhan Guide Infrared M4.