Friday, March 27, 2009

How to Make a Good Infrared Image:

Thermograph.Net had an abortive attempt at a blog in September/Ocotber 2008.  While the site is no longer updated, one of the few posts from October was the very helpful entry "How to Make a Good Infrared Image", giving suggestions for taking quality thermogram images.

While you should go read the post, it boils down to:
  1. Focus!
  2. Temperature level
  3. Distance
  4. Palettes

The first item, focus, is the most important.  Poor focus makes it impossible to properly evaluate hot spots.  Once you've captured an unfocused image, no amount of editing can improve it. People have been spoiled by autofocus consumer and prosumer digital cameras, this important skill is neglected.  Distance is also key, but generally boils down to getting as close as possible (ties back to #1)

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